Meet the Board

2022-2023 Board of Directors*

  • Valerie Brinker, President and Chair of the Board
  • Ma’Lady Kynaston, President-elect
  • Jane Hokanson, Secretary
  • Laura Rosser, Treasurer
  • Megan Mignella, Nominations Team Chair
  • Melissa Burnside, DEIB Director
  • Megan Heryet, Director at Large
  • LeAnn Mohr, President’s Advisor
  • Sandy Fery, President-elect’s Advisor

The Board of Directors oversees long-range strategic planning as well as assessing annual risk. The Management Team coordinates day-to-day operation and management of the Junior League of Boise.

Boise Management Team*

This group is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operation and management of JLB.

  • Ma’Lady Kynaston, President-elect and Chair of Management Team
  • Courtney Wanders, Nominations Team liaison
  • Sandy Fery, President-elect’s Advisor

Communications Team

  • Shauna Zahn, Chair
  • Sara Rimel, Co-Chair

Event Fundraising Team

  • Taryn Johnson, Chair
  • Jordan Ferris, Co-Chair

Outreach & Recruitment Team

  • Amy Nishi, Chair
  • Alison Houpt, Co-Chair

Placement Advising Team

  • Kat Blume, Chair

Projects Team

  • Tricia Barnes, Chair
  • NiCassia Gabiola, Co-Chair

Training Team

  • Anika Michaelsen, Chair
  • Sara Minic, Co-Chair

Sustainer “Social Engagement” Team

  • Lauri Burgener, Chair

*All leadership positions within the Junior League of Boise are voluntary.