Especially Me!
Especially Me! is an award winning series of classes created by the Junior League of Boise to assist girls between the ages 9 and 12 navigate the upcoming changes in their lives. From 2003 to 2014, this project taught hundreds of young girls in the Treasure Valley to celebrate their uniqueness and understand that perfection is both unattainable and unnecessary to be successful and happy in life. Girls also learned about health, hygiene, nutrition, and the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty as well as valuable skills such as decision making, assertiveness, and building healthy friendships.
The girls attending the program reported that they learned skills to assist them in coping with adolescence, as well as a greater sense of self-confidence and positive outlook on their future. Through the program’s ability to impact the self-esteem of girls, the Junior League is making a difference and strengthening our local community and its future generation of leaders.